Wednesday, August 26, 2009

OHP Radio - Digging at the Museum!

If you think what is in the yards and fields where you hunt are great finds, it doesn’t compare with what you can dig up at your local museum. No, we are not condoning taking a shovel or a detector and you do have to go during the day, but we are saying get off the couch and out the door. Go visit!

I bet there are a lot of folks who have not explored you local flavor of history. I’m no exception in this either. I went for years traveling the country and seeing all I could see and never looking around at what is here in front of me. Yes, I hit the biggies but not the smaller places. What I found is I missed a lot and you would be surprised at what can be found if you just take the time to look.

Folks, these are hard times and a lot of these local, county or regional historic places are closing- Maybe for a day, maybe two or maybe forever. Don’t let our history disappear lets go visit.

Have a great week,

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Winner Announcement

This is the letter sent out for the Offical Announcement. We will have more contests later on this year. As I said we may have had some suprises in store.......we did.

Thanks to all our listeners and the letter while it may not have your name on it, is written for you too, its from the heart and I wanted to share it with you.


Thanks for playing and as always thanks for listening. This project would be no where without ya. It is hard to believe that we have came so far in just a short time August 28th will mark our 5th month anniversary, yes 5 months. We have had a lot of gracious things said about our show, by not only fans but our industry as well. Please continue to help us spread the word about Our History Project and our efforts as a nonprofit organization bent on persevering and educating America on our history. That sounds a little funny to me because we have a lot of overseas listeners as well that I am in contact with.

Do me a favor, over the next couple of weeks can you burn 10 disks (CDs) and hand them out to others who may not have not heard the show? Any one of the shows will do.

It would help us get the word out so to speak. Tell everyone about us and if you have suggestions, comments or criticisms please let me know. You are the rock on which this project is formed because you are some of the first here and if we screw up we need to know. If we can make it better then we need to know that to.

Before we get started I want to thank all of our sponsors that made this possible, please visit them often so we can have more events like this in the future:

John Rigdon -

Mark Owen -

John Walsh -

Butch Holcombe -

Ian Conway -

Ok, here is what everyone's waiting on….Drum roll please!

1st place: Mark H. from AL. : Grand prize as we mentioned with the exception of Mark we upgraded the cuff eagle to an Eagle I Button and the southern papers to the complete OR on CD. Woohoo! That is courtesy of John Walsh at Fort Donaldson Relics.

The race was close, very close in fact under 5 minutes close, so remember when I said there may be more to the contest than what you thought well - yep there is.

2nd place goes to Steve F from VA: This include the Eagle cuff button, what I believe is a bullet puller/extractor , a cut bullet, a book, a Research & Recovery DVD, OHP Membership and last but not least the Southern Papers (52 Vol. set) On CD!

Good Job Guys!!!! Your both winners!

And, its not over yet - Remember I said don't stop there may be something more…… Yep there was!

3rd place goes to Mike from TN: You get a book and a one year Membership!


4th place goes to: Ed from GA who also gets a Book is now a card carrying member of Our History Project!

That's it folks, Ian and I want to thank you again for all you do, you're the reason we are here and the reason we are staying.



Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fakes, Collecting and Research Special Guest Ric Savage.

Butch and I are joined by Wrestling Legend and advocate of uncovering the fakes in the collecting market Ric Savage. You can visit Ric’s site Savage-Station for a more in-depth look into this area and see his column in American Digger Magazine in each issue.

Ric, talks about how he got started in uncovering the seedy side of collecting. Also, we get into what and why you should really collect anything. Butch also covers a large list of reference books that you need to have on hand.

All this poses and interesting question – How many millions of dollars are thrown out by Mom’s across America? And how many thousands of dollars did you willingly destroy as a kid?

Lenght: 57 Min

Size 19.8MB

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Whites Electronics with Jimmy Sierra

A special for today - After the "In the Dirt Segment" of Our History Project be sure to listen to the long awaited interview that Butch and I had with the Legendary Jimmy Sierra as we discuss the Whites Brand line of Detectors. For those of you that are looking to upgrade or just get it the hobby of metal detecting, Jimmy does a great job breaking down the product line on which one is best for you. We also talked about the history of Whites Electronics and what the future may hold.

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In The Dirt Live!

This week was a great one, a tiring one. It was one where everything did not work out as planned on Saturday because for whatever reason the first part of the morning did not record. We missed a great in the dirt segment and some interviews with Mark Hudson, Arthur Cook and Bill Yarborough. The good part is that Butch and was joined by Cassie and we did another one on Sunday, which is what you will here today and I know all of the above mentioned to get their stories again.

It was a great show and I really had a blast. Thanks to all that came out especially Mark and his crew from Southeast Treasure Hunters that came from Alabama. It was a pleasure to meet everyone and we hope to do it again soon.

A special for today – After the “In the Dirt Segment” of Our History Project be sure to listen to the long awaited interview that Butch and I had with the Legendary Jimmy Sierra as we discuss the Whites Brand line of Detectors. For those of you that are looking to upgrade or just get it the hobby of metal detecting, Jimmy does a great job breaking down the product line on which one is best for you. We also talked about the history of Whites Electronics and what the future may hold.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

OHP Radio - Finding History Without A Detector

Some people just have all the luck, well some people and some animals. Have you ever found anything on the ground? I have had the honor of finding quite a bit of money over the years including $100 in rolled up bills (no, it was not yours). On "In the Dirt with American Digger" segment of Our History Project this week Butch and I talk today about these wonderful finds and how they just appear out of nowhere and seemingly only meant for you.

Oh, and have you ever wanted to breed a relic dog? Well, someone did.

Have a great week,


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